Dental Emergencies

fresno dental emergencies

How we attend to dental emergencies in our Fresno office

At Fresno Dental Studio, we set aside time in their daily schedules to attend to dental emergencies. Any injury or sudden problem with the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, or cheeks can cause serious issues if not treated immediately. If you have a dental emergency, call our office and we will work you into our schedule as soon as possible. In the meantime, take the following precautions for your emergency situation:

  • Broken tooth. Save any broken tooth pieces and rinse your mouth with warm water. If you are bleeding, apply pressure to the area with a piece of gauze until the bleeding stops, then apply a cold compress on the outside of your mouth nearest the injury to reduce swelling until we can see you.
  • Knocked out tooth. Rinse the tooth root in water if it is dirty, being careful not to remove any tissues attached to the root. Try to insert the tooth back into its socket. If this is not possible, put the tooth in a cup of milk and come to our office immediately.
  • Partially dislodged tooth. Try not to handle the tooth. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen, apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth, and see Dr. Denes as soon as possible.
  • Toothache. To ensure that the toothache isn’t caused by debris stuck between the teeth, gently floss and rinse your mouth with warm water. If that doesn’t relive the pain, apply a cool compress to your cheek and make an appointment with us.
  • Lost filling. You may place a small piece of sugarless gum or some dental cement (available at most pharmacies) on your tooth as a temporary measure until you make it to our office.
  • Lost crown. If you still have the crown, clean it with water and try to slip it back onto the tooth. An over-the-counter dental cement can hold it in place until we are able to restore your tooth properly.
  • Injuries to gums, cheeks, or lips. Rinse your mouth with warm water mixed with salt. If you are bleeding, apply pressure to the injury with gauze. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, call Dr. Denes or go to your nearest emergency room immediately.
  • Object caught between teeth. Try to remove the object with dental floss. If that doesn’t work, do not try anything else on your own. Make an appointment with us and we will remove the object for you safely.

If you have a dental emergency, call Drs. Alex Denes and Claudia Denes immediately at (559) 297-1800. Fresno Dental Studio serves patients from Fresno, Clovis, Sanger, Mendota, Orange Cove, Reedley, Selma, and the surrounding areas.

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