Fresno Dentists Discuss Exercise and Your Oral Health

oral health fresno dentistThe benefits of exercise in maintaining a good oral health have long-been undisputed. Since children, we are taught that regular physical activity can help control weight, combat and improve certain health conditions, and even brighten your general demeanor. Did you know, however, that regular exercise can also help you maintain a clean and healthy mouth? Your Fresno, CA dentists, Dr. Alex Denes and Dr. Claudia Denes, discuss research that suggests the same habits that benefit your physical health can also benefit your oral health.

A Strong Heart and a Healthy Mouth

In a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, researchers from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland monitored 12,110 people for 24 hours regarding their food consumption and physical activity. Led by Dr. Mohammad S. Al-Zahrani (Division of Periodontics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia), the team sought to examine the relationship between physically healthy habits and dental disease. The researchers found that participants who exercised, ate healthy, and maintained a normal body weight were up to 40% less likely to develop gum disease than their less-healthy counterparts. The experts concluded that heart-healthy behaviors, which can help build the body’s defenses against disease and infection, can also help protect your gums from bacterial infection, which can lead to gum disease.

The Oral-Systemic Theory

The connection between your oral health and your general physical wellbeing is significant. One of the major theories concerning the oral-systemic connection is the spread of bacteria from your mouth into your bloodstream. In particular, the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis is a known factor in the development of gum disease. P. gingivalis has the ability to invoke your immune system’s inflammatory response, hence the red and swollen gums indicative of gum disease. If allowed to enter your bloodstream, the germs may invoke the same response in other areas of your body, including your heart. By exercising on a regular basis, you can improve your cardiovascular health, which enhances your ability to regulate inflammation and reduces your chances of developing gum disease.

To learn more about your physical and oral health, or to make an appointment with your Fresno family dentists, contact Fresno Dental Studio by calling (559) 297-1800. Located in the 93720 area, we proudly serve patients from Fresno, Clovis, Mendota, Orange Cove, Reedley, Selma, and the surrounding areas.

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