The Importance of Pediatric Dentistry


Why is Pediatric Dentistry Important?

You may be wondering why pediatric dentistry is so important for a baby who only has a couple of teeth. Perhaps you think that because he will lose those teeth eventually, you don’t need to worry about taking him to a dentist until he is older. The truth is, a lifetime of good oral care begins even before baby teeth have erupted. Establishing good dental habits now will ensure that your child has fewer problems through every stage of development and well into adulthood.

When should my child first visit the dentist?

You should take your child to a pediatric dentist after his or her first tooth erupts, which usually happens between six and 12 months of age. The reasons for getting a consultation so early in life are twofold. First, your child will establish a relationship with the dentist, which will make him or her less likely to be afraid of later visits. Second, preventive care can never start too early. Dr. Denes can instruct you on how to keep your child’s teeth clean and how to prevent problems caused by diet or bad habits.

How should I care for my child’s teeth?

Care of your child’s teeth changes with every new stage of development.

  • Birth to 6 months: Clean the gums with gauze, a wet cloth, or a soft infant toothbrush at bedtime and after feedings.
  • Six to 12 months: This is when the first pediatric dental visit should occur. During this time, you should brush your child’s teeth with a soft toothbrush at bedtime and after each feeding. Your child should be weaned from the bottle or breast by his or her first birthday.
  • Twelve to 24 months: Your child should be seeing Dr. Denes for regular checkups during this time, as this is when most of the baby teeth have erupted. At around age two when he has learned to rinse and spit, your child can start using a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste.

What are some common habits that are bad for my child’s teeth?

If you let your child fall asleep at the breast or with a bottle in his or her mouth, he or she is at risk of tooth decay. You should keep your child on a feeding schedule and make sure he or she brushes his or her teeth after each feeding. Also, never put your child to bed with a bottle or sippy cup filled with anything but water. Thumb sucking is another issue that can lead to tooth problems. It is fairly harmless up until the age of two, but after that, it can cause bite problems or cause teeth to become crooked.

More about pediatric dentistry.

If your child is approaching his or her first birthday, pediatric dentistry in Fresno is available from Drs. Alex and Claudia Denes. Call today at (559) 297-1800 to schedule an appointment. At Fresno Dental Studio, we treat patients in Fresno, Clovis, Sanger, Mendota, Orange Cove, Reedley, Selma, and the surrounding areas.


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