Overcoming Dental Fear with Sedation Dentistry in Fresno

sedation dentistry fresnoA fear of the dentist and/or receiving dental care are among the most common fears of American adults, but Fresno dentists Dr. Claudia Denes and Dr. Alex Denes want to help you feel comfortable in the dental chair so that you can receive the dental care you need and deserve. We do this with sedation dentistry.

The Difference Between Anxiety, Fear, and Phobia

Before we can discuss what sedation dentistry is, how it’s used, and the benefits of it, we first need to understand the distinction between dental anxiety, dental fear, and dental phobia, which are three terms commonly used to explain ill feelings toward going to the dentist and/or receiving dental care.

Anxiety is an extremely common reaction to an unknown danger. People often feel anxiety prior to undergoing a procedure that they’ve never experienced before. Dental fear, on the other hand, is a reaction to a known danger and occurs when the patient has experienced the same situation before. Usually, dental fear elicits a fight-or-flight response.

Dental phobia is a stronger degree of fear, eliciting the fight-or-flight response at the mere thought of the situation. A patient with dental phobia will avoid receiving dental care or even calling a dentist office at all costs, often jeopardizing his or her oral and overall health.

Sedation Dentistry at Fresno Dental Studio

Dr. Denes uses sedation dentistry to help our patients cope with their dental anxiety, fear, and phobia, and to receive the dental care they need to live healthy, high-quality lives. Highly trained in the administering of oral sedation dentistry, Dr. Denes and our team will verify that sedation dentistry is right for you prior to your procedure and monitor your vital signs and comfort during your procedure to ensure your safety and peace of mind.

Depending on your specific needs, Dr. Denes will recommend the proper sedation for you, and you will take your chosen sedation either prior to arriving at our office, once you arrive at our office, or both. To find out if you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry, call Fresno Dental Studio at (559) 297-1800. We serve patients from Clovis, Tarpey, Rolling Hills, Muscatel, Herndon, Highway City, and the communities surrounding Fresno.

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