Could Smokeless Tobacco Cause Oral Cancer?

chewing tabacco fresno oral cancerFor smokers looking to quit, many consider the using smokeless tobacco such as chew, dip, or snuff. The belief that smokeless tobacco is the lesser of two evils when compared to smoking cigarettes is an unfortunate myth. In fact, researchers have recently suggested that smokeless tobacco has an increased risk of oral cancer over smoking cigarettes. Our Fresno dentists will explain their findings and why you should consider quitting tobacco use altogether.

Smokeless Tobacco and Oral Cancer

When discussing the comparison, research investigator Dr. Nathan Cobb of the Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies asked “Is jay walking safer than jay walking blindfolded?” according to A recent study by the American Chemical Society identified the cancer-causing agents found in chewing tobacco. When applied in animal studies, chewing tobacco was shown to cause large numbers of tumors in the mouth and throat. The (S)-NNN compound found in chewing tobacco is also present in smoking cessation products like mints, gum, and strips that contain doses of tobacco.

Comparing Cigarettes and Chewing Tobacco

The cancer-causing chemical is also apparent in cigarettes; however, researchers believe the risk heightens with smokeless tobacco because of the ways these drugs are used. Chewing tobacco, snus, and gum stay between the cheek and gum for longer periods of time. With cigarettes the chemical is burned and inhaled. While smokeless tobacco has a reduced risk of lung cancer compared to cigarettes, chewing or dipping tobacco is more likely to cause oral cancer. With 98 percent of tobacco related diseases caused by smoking cigarettes, doctors urge patients to quit using tobacco altogether.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Our Fresno dentists can offer dental treatments to help alleviate the effects of tobacco use on your oral health. At Fresno Dental Studio, we provide oral cancer screenings that could save your life. If you smoke, chew tobacco, or use tobacco products, contact Dr. Alex Denes and Dr. Claudia Denes for a dental checkup to discuss your risks of oral diseases.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Alex Denes or Dr. Claudia Denes, contact Fresno Dental Studio at (559) 297-1800. We serve patients from Clovis, Tarpey, Rolling Hills, Muscatel, Herndon, Highway City, and the communities surrounding Fresno.

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