Why Expecting Mothers Should Schedule Frequent Dental Checkups

expecting mothersCongratulations! Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life filled with the joys of the new addition to your family and the hectic scrambling to be prepared for your baby. At Fresno Dental Studio, we understand that pregnancy can also be a busy time filled with doctor appointments, baby showers, and nesting. However, our Fresno dentists, Dr. Alex Denes and Dr. Claudia Denes urge you to find time in your schedule for a prenatal dental checkup that could also benefit your baby’s health..

Oral Systemic Health and Gum Disease

If you are a frequent reader of our dental blogs, you know that your oral health can have a significant effect on your overall health. Gum disease, in particular, can have far reaching implications on your body from risk of heart disease, complications with diabetes, and even connections to rheumatoid arthritis. Our Fresno dentists are here to explain that pregnancy is no different.

How Gum Disease Puts Your Baby at Risk

Gum disease during pregnancy has been connected to low birth weights. Periodontal disease in expecting mothers also contributes to birth defects and premature birth. Pregnant mothers are at an even higher risk of gum disease than normal with fluctuating hormones. These contribute to inflamed gum tissue, and a weaker immune system, which allows periodontal infection to create pregnancy gingivitis.

How Dental Checkups Can Help During Pregnancy

While thorough at-home oral hygiene including brushing and flossing twice daily can help keep gum disease at bay, regular dental checkups and cleanings are also necessary. Your Fresno dentists can help you maintain optimal gum health and prevent gum disease from causing pregnancy complications. In addition, our dentists can offer advice for your daily oral hygiene routine during pregnancy.

Fresno Preventive Dentistry

To schedule a dental checkup with our Fresno dentists, Dr. Claudia Denes and Dr. Alex Denes, call Fresno Dental Studio in Fresno, California at (559) 297-1800. We serve patients from Fresno, Clovis, Mendota, Orange Cove, Reedley, Selma, and the surrounding areas.


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